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The Unity of Support, Love, and Encouragement, 


Corporate Prayer of Ministries






Breaking the Boundaries


The Unity in the Body of Christ through the AOG


Every child of God is automatically a member because of the shed blood of Christ, and we have various opportunities for you to serve and a number of Communities for you to choose from.

We can do more together, than we can do apart. 



We invite your ministry to connect with Abundance of Grace Fellowship, inc.   


To connect with us and

obtain more

information via E-mail (


It is the time of God’s unprecedented Favor, Grace and Mercies, and the demand on God’s people is being challenged for a change stronger than before.


God said, See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do

you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:19


The ABUNDANCE OF GRACE FELLOWSHIP is to provide coordinated action to multiply, amplify and build synergy within the body of believers within our communities and the world at large.  


This is why WE are going all in on this move of God. It holds the promise of unprecedented collaboration within the body of Christ to harness the transformative energy and power we already possess as a thousand movements rising up against the struggles that already exists within our communities, our homes and our individual lives and ministries.


The Bible says, two [are] better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. Ecclesiastes 4:9


The AOG, is a collaborated effect of Ministries joining together as a spiritual force to be reckoned with against the enemy’s devices.  We are determined to break through the boundaries we face, into the tipping point we need through the power and move of God.


And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. Acts 2:1


Jesus, the Messiah, is the same yesterday and today-and forever!


Whereby, we commit ourselves to God and to all the joining members of ministries, sharing the same heart, the same love for God, the same trust in His promise, and the same love for each other.  


Therefore, we too can experience a move of God like never before, within our church, our communities, our homes and our own personal lives and ministries. 


Looking to connect and be part of this historic move of God,

E-mail ( for covenant partner information. 







What We Believe

Become Part of the AOG FELLOWSHIP

We believe that every Man, Woman, and child can touch the hem of Christ’s garment and be made whole.




It's About Alignment

These is a sense of urgency for this Initiative. Scattered across our communities, Pastors are often isolated and their ministries are frequently alone in their efforts.


Although successful, most pastor's operate as an individual and alone while striving for the advancement of the body of Christ.


Thus far, affiliated ministries have had a tremendous impact in our communities, our homes, and our relationship with Christ and with one another. These ministries have been responsible for establishing a true connection within the body of Christ, while helping sisters reach their goals together on a collaborative level. 


Abundance of Grace exists to encourage, equip and strengthen marriages, families and as a whole, and most importantly to bring honor and glory to our Father in heaven. We desire to strengthen, to challenge, to mobilize and to support ministries called out in this great commission. 


We believe in the life-transforming power of the Gospel as the only hope for renewing and restoring families and our communities. 


We invite you to join in our collaborative efforts!




WHAT IS IT?   There is no one official or satisfactory definition of collaborative ministry.  Rather let me offer a few parallel key words used to depict the A.O.G. 


Words to describe the phenomenon include these: team ministry, group ministry, partnership, co-responsibility, co-discipleship, collegiality, shared ministry, and mutual ministry.  


Each of them points to some aspect of the reality of learning together, working together, ministering and taking responsibility for the mission of the Church.

We believe, Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.  Ephesians 3:20-21


Therefore, the joining of the Pastors can do more together, than we can do apart! 




Support this wonderful Connection of Pastors

All financial contributions are welcomed and

are tax deductible



PO. Box 907834

Gainesville, Georgia 30577






We invite your ministry to connect with the 


To connect with us and obtain more information 

E-mail (

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